Wednesday, February 5

How to Play PS4 Without HDMI?

PlayStation 4, also known as PS4, is a popular gaming console by Sony. Although launched in 2013, this has not lost its place and competition in the market ever since. One of the biggest competitors of this console is the popular Xbox One created by Microsoft. Despite this, it has remained the most popular gaming console among gamers. Although many claim its previous version, PS 3 was better, no one can deny the value of having a PS4 given its specifications. The sale of over 100 million units in a few years is a testimony of its powerful technology and fan base. Its popularity led to the launch of another console under its name. Sony named it as PlayStation 4 Slim which was a slightly smaller variant of the same gaming console. Also, they soon launched an advanced version of PS4 as well, naming it as PlayStation 4 Pro.

With the launch of PS5 in the market last year, there has been no other popular gaming console coming even close to it. As Sony plans to shut down the units of PS4 to increase the popularity of its new variant, it has become more valuable. If you love to play PS4 as well, you might have wondered how can you play it if you do not have an HDMI cable. Let us find that out.


How Can You Play PS4 Without HDMI?

If you are looking to play PS4 on your TV, you might have faced difficulty in getting the HDMI required to connect it. Not everyone has HDMI and those who have it might lose it. Hence, it is important to know some other ways to connect the gaming console to your television set without using HDMI. Or, it might be possible that the TV you own does not have an HDMI port. Hence, it becomes important to look for these things before spending your money on anything else.

To begin with, try getting an HDMI converter. If you own a set with older pointed wires, you can get them in the converter. The other end of this converter will be open to the HDMI cable. Here, you can attach the cable and further affix it to your console to continue playing. To check if this technique has worked, all you need to do is turn on your TV and PlayStation. If the display shows the logo of SONY and the start of your console, you know it works. If it does not, try fixing the wires again to see if one of them is loose.

If you cannot get your hands on an HDMI converter, you can get a DVI converter as well. The DVI converter should come with a cable of its own. Using it, you can fix it to the television set while attaching the other end of the converter to the cable you would use for your PlayStation. You need to fix the wires properly and make sure that there are no damaged parts. People have often complained that the DVI cable does not work well when damaged even a little. Hence, prefer the HDMI converter method, but in case your DVI cable is good, it should work. Turn on your console and TV again to check if the technique has worked.